
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow Day

Horray, It's snowing!! For those of you who don't know, we live in New Orleans. It DOESN"T snow here. The last time it snowed at all was christmas day 2004 and then it was more like a snow flurry that lasted for about an our or so....This morning we woke up to a legitimate snow storm. I took some pictures cause it was such a novel occurrence and then we brought Prime over to play with his cousin Halley.

This was the very first experience Prime had with the white stuff...even though he was born in Minnesota it was summer when he was born.

This is the view down our block for comparison.

This is our pretty boy out in the snow, i was going to try to get a better shot but snow is cold when you are in your PJs

Here is prime with his best buddy Halley, romping in the back yard at my sister's...

These pictures crack me up because when Prime first got here, Halley was so much bigger than him.

Aren't they vicious?

And these...?

...these are just because I am a mean mommy.


Pictures to follow

Monday, December 1, 2008


Boy, i feel like it's been forever since I last posted, partially because it has been. There are a few funny stories that have come up that i wanted to tell everyone.

First, Prime has proven catagorically that he is NOT Jesus. We drove over to Houston, Tx in mid-november to see my mom and let her meet Prime. When we first got there we let him out to play in the common yard in the middle of her condo grouping. They have a nice large run-around-able yard and a pool. After playing for a while we decided that Prime had stretched his legs enough and we were headed back toward her house so that we could eat dinner. As we were messing with the fence trying to get it open, Prime decided we weren't moving fast enough. So he tried to walk on the water of the pool to get past us. Needless to say, it did not hold his weight. I wish that i could describe the look on his face as he fell in the water, it was priceless. At that point i ended up dropping everything i was carrying and reaching in to pull him out (which by the way, isn't the easiest thing to do when your dog weighs nearly 100 lbs and is flailing about) because everyone else was laughing so hard. Thankfully, he was fine, he had a little scratch under his eye from where he scraped it as he went in but otherwise is perfectly okay. He didn't even seem scared of the pool the next time he went out.

I also feel like we are hitting a little bit of a fear stage, which is a little amusing and annoying at the same time. For example, the other night we got a cold front that came through New Orleans so it rained ALL day. Well Prime and I were sitting in the living room while i watched some TV and he asked me three separate times to go outside. (As a side note, we have bells on our back door that are fantastic, they are from a company called Poochie Bells, which are fantastic because Prime audibly asks to go outside, which is really good because Kevin still has trouble reading doggie body language, anyway...)But everytime i get up and open the door he looks at me like I'm stupid, takes one look outside and turns around. The first time I figured it was because he might have accidentally hit the bells but even so normally he'll go outside turn around and come back in. Well after the second and third time he did it i was getting frustrated cause I'd gotten up 3 times in 7 or 8 minutes. So i finally decided that he was going out whether he wanted to or not, so i went out with him to see what the big deal was. He stood on the concrete for nearly ten minutes looking out into the wet rainy backyard....finally after some coaxing from me he went into the yard. It was the strangest thing though, all of a sudden he was afraid of getting wet.

Otherwise, he is doing really well, we have switched his food from Solid Gold to Bil-Jac after much consulting with our breeder and resources. I'm hoping the condition of his coat will improve!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Puppy Party

This weekend we brought prime out to meet my mom, who lives in Houston. Since we had to drive straight through their hometown anyway, we stopped in a lovely park on the way and met up with Paula and Zen. It was a great time. The boys took one look at each other, sized each other up and seemed to say "wait a second, I know you!" and procceded to maul one another, it was great! Here are some of the pictures i snapped during our play date, and considering i actually injured my camera after a trip to the dog park a couple weeks ago I was fairly pleased with them.

This is them, first addressing one another

Vicious I tell you

Isn't Zen lovely?

Puppy hugs

Zen latched on to the side of prime's face, it was pretty funny.


I love this picture, this is my little brother Patrick and the boys, notice Prime saying "wait, look at me, look at me!"

Same here, it's so rare to get him smiling in a picture, it is really nice to see.

Aren't they cute.


Don't they look like brothers

Kevin and Zen sharing a tender moment

They even still share like siblings

Dueling doggie kisses




It was awesome!!! We are gonna stop back at Paula's house on Monday when we drive back to New Orleans. We are hoping to be able to set the beasts loose and let them romp. Regardless, it was a really neat time, i was so happy to meet another sibling and his wonderful mommy!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My cuddlebug

Prime made my morning today. Today i think he solidified his place in my heart and our lives and he did it just by being a dog. I had a kinda crappy night last night. This morning after 3 hours of sleep i had to get up and go to work. Well my alarm went off earlier than i thought so i had a little time to just sit around because i knew if i laid back down i would never make it to work today. So this morning while Kevin slept, I let Prime out and he crawled on to the couch and snuggled up under my elbow and i surfed the web while we cuddled. It was awesome. Up to this point when he sat on the couch with us we might get him to sit still for 30 seconds at a go. This morning he just snuggled up and kept me company, it was the perfect start to the day. I feel 110% better than i did last night, all because of my dog. What a great life.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Lake

Today my sister, brother-in-law and I took Prime and his cousin Halley out to the lake. We found a little sandbar and let them play in the water. The only camera i had was the one on my phone but i got these photos.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Puppy Park

New Orleans, while progressive in many things, is not very progressive when it comes to dog parks. Most of the levees in our city become impromptu doggie parks most days but we found out about a legetimate fenced in park to go play with other puppies. We found some time this afternoon and went. While we were out, i got some really great shots of Prime.

I started the evening by getting some really pretty
pictures of our boy on the lake at dusk.

Kevin is such a patient helper!

Then Prime went and started making friends left and right

While still checking in with mommy and daddy every once in a while

Then Prime started running, and running, and running.

...and chasing...
...and playing...
...and running some more.

He even made friends with some of the other dog's humans. Who were really nice and let him slobber on them and gave him cookies.

There was some more chasing, that Prime kept instigating.

Ella even made a friend, and she's usually a big grump.

There was even a little 10 week old merle puppy named Lincoln who we played with for a while.

Prime and Kevin practicing the "watch me" command! Prime's doing so well!

All that running makes puppies VERY thirsty though, prime figured out the water fountain very quickly.

I just love this picture. Something about the orange of the sunset and the fact that he almost looks like he could be stacked out if it weren't for the fact that he's actually running very quickly.

So the long and short story is that we had a great time and i think we will have to make this a common playtime! It's such a pretty setting to, getting to watch the sunset on the lake

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Pictures

So tonight i decided to take prime's ears out of his wraps and they are doing pretty darn well, if i do say so myself. He occasionally holds them a little closer together than i would like but we are gonna go see the vet tomorrow and have her re-wrap them so that they finish perfectly. He is loosing teeth like a madman, tonight one of his canines came out and his normally neon yellow Wubba is now covered in pink blood stains. He is still doing well in his puppy class and tonight i endevored to get some pseudo-stacked pictures of him. Tomorrow is the first day off i have had in a long while so i'm gonna try to get some more pictures then. For now though (thanks to kevin) i have some to share. Like i said we tried to get some stacked pictures but much like Wasabi it was kind of a joke in balance. Here are the best